Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I Can Finally Have That Drink

Six-months after starting my Mendel journey I can finally have that drink! 

The very first thing I printed was the mini-shot glass that is recommended to toast your success. However, as a shot-glass is was a definite fail, it may have functioned as a very small strainer but holding any alcohol was out of the question.
My Very First Print!

The McMaster pulleys that I used had increased X, Y & Z dimensions by 25% making the gaps between layers and threads very large. I also hadn't got to grips with the tools which left me scratching my head for some time. 

After a few failed attempts at the shot-glass I focussed on dialing in Repsnapper, then I switched to Skeinforge and spent time on that, completely forgetting about the shot-glass and focusing on cubes (which my wife refers to 'companion cubes' as I seem to spend lots of time with them in the workshop!).

Now that I've got Skeinforge in hand and my Mendel is printing well I thought perhaps it was time to break out the shot-glass again. I am pleased to say it looks a damn sight better and it holds liquid.

A Drink-worthy Version

Unfortunately, it doesn't really hold very much, so it was a swift toast with the shot-glass, then on to a much larger receptacle to celebrate further.

One Shot Glass, One Strainer

Spot the Difference!

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